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「シグマ」調査専門委員会2019、2020年度活動報告,3; 核データにおけるロードマップ中間報告

Activity report of research committee for nuclear data in the fiscal years of 2019 and 2020, 3; Progress report of roadmap for nuclear data research

中山 梓介  

Nakayama, Shinsuke


As an interim report on the nuclear data roadmap, which is being prepared by the committee for nuclear data aiming for completion by the end of FY 2022, the background and progress of the roadmap were described. We have compiled roadmaps for the individual fields related to the basics and applications of nuclear data, and added a general description of the nuclear data field to the roadmaps. Through these processes, we have so far completed the provisional version of the nuclear data roadmap.



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