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Improvement of interaction model of PHITS for negative muon captured by nucleus

Abe, Shinichiro   

Recently, negative muon capture reactions with nucleus have attracted attention for their applicability to basic and applied physics. In our previous study, we have constructed the negative muon capture reaction model and implemented it in the particle and heavy ion transport code system (PHITS). However, by comparison with the recently obtained experimental data, it was found that PHITS underestimates the high energy emissions of light charged particles and the production ratio of protons and deuterons. In this study, the surface coalescence model was implemented in the JQMD model. In addition, the contribution of meson exchange current was considered in the excitation function for negative muon capture reaction. The modified negative muon capture reaction model shows the improvement for high energy emissions of protons, deuterons and tritons from the negative muon capture reaction with silicon. Moreover, the modified model also reproduce the production ratio of protons and deuterons well.



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