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Report No.

Radiation shielding installation for beam injection section of 3GeV synchrotron

Nakanoya, Takamitsu  ; Kamiya, Junichiro   ; Yoshimoto, Masahiro  ; Takayanagi, Tomohiro   ; Tani, Norio  ; Kotoku, Hirofumi*; Horino, Koki*; Yanagibashi, Toru*; Takeda, Osamu*; Yamamoto, Kazami   

Since a user operation startup, the 3GeV synchrotron accelerator (Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron: RCS) gradually reinforced the beam power. As a result, the surface dose rate of the apparatus located at the beam injection area of the RCS increases year by year. The beam injection area has many apparatuses which required manual maintenance, so reducing worker's dose is a serious issue. To solve this problem, we have decided to adopt removal shielding that could be installed quickly and easily when needed. We carried out shield installation work during the 2020 summer maintenance period. The installation work of the shield has been carried out in a under high-dose environment. For this reason, reducing the dose of workers was an important issue. So, we carefully prepared the work plan and work procedure in advance. During the work period, we implemented various dose reduction measures and managed individual dose carefully. As a result, the dose of all workers could be kept below the predetermined management value. We had installed removal shielding at the beam injection area in the 2020 summer maintenance period. We confirmed that this shield can contribute to the reduction of the dose during work near the beam injection area.



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