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Report No.

LTD semiconductor switch power supply for J-PARC kicker

Takayanagi, Tomohiro   ; Ono, Ayato; Horino, Koki*; Ueno, Tomoaki*; Sugita, Moe ; Togashi, Tomohito; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Kinsho, Michikazu  

We are developing the LTD semiconductor switch power supply, which combines SiC-MOSFET semiconductors and Linear Transformer Drivers (LTD) circuit to replace the kicker power supply in J-PARC. This power supply consists of two types of circuit boards: a main circuit board for forming rectangular pulses and a correction circuit board for compensating for flat-top droop, which enables high-voltage output and droop compensation for the number of stages connected in a hierarchical series. In addition to the main circuits of the thyratron, PFN, and end-clipper, which are the main circuit board is a single 400 mm $$times$$ 430 mm board with a reflected wave absorption circuit that can reduce the beam impedance from the kicker magnet. In this study, we used 32 main circuit boards with 1.7 kV SiC-MOSFETs and 20 compensation boards with 100V MOSFETs to achieve the required 40 kV output rating as a kicker power supply. The evaluation results will be reported.



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