※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


About the effects of plasticity of piping and support structures on the seismic response of the piping system

奥田 貴大; 高橋 英樹*; 森下 正樹 

Okuda, Takahiro; Takahashi, Hideki*; Morishita, Masaki


This paper describes the results of a series of seismic analyses conducted to clarify how plastic deformation of a pipe and its support structures affect the seismic response of the entire piping system. The first analyses include; plasticity is considered for (1) none, (2) the piping only, (3) the support structure only and (4) both the piping and the support structure. The second analyses are parametric survey of yield load and post yield stiffness of the restoring force characteristics of support structures.



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