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Adjoint-weighted correlated sampling for $$k$$-eigenvalue perturbation in Monte Carlo calculation


Tuya, D.  ; 長家 康展  

Tuya, D.; Nagaya, Yasunobu


Estimating an effect of a perturbation in a fissile system on its $$k$$-eigenvalue requires special technique called perturbation theory when the considered perturbation is small. In this study, we develop an adjoint-weighted correlated sampling (AWCS) method based on the exact perturbation theory without any approximation by combining the correlated sampling (CS) method with iterated-fission probability (IFP) based adjoint-weighting method. With the advantages of the CS method being good at providing very small uncertainty for small perturbations and the IFP-based adjoint-weighting method being suitable for continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation, the developed AWCS method based on the exact perturbation theory offers a new rigorous approach for perturbation calculations. The obtained results by the developed AWCS method for verification problems involving Godiva and simplified STACY density perturbations showed good agreement with the reference calculations.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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