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Report No.

Radiolysis studies on H$$_{2}$$ retention with changing hydrophilicity of carbonate slurry, 1; Estimation of hydrophilicity on the surface of suspended solid

Kuwano, Ryo*; Nagaishi, Ryuji ; Ito, Tatsuya  

The overflow event occurred in carbonate slurry wastes emitted from the 1F ALPS co-precipitation system is due to the highly viscous slurry retaining hydrogen molecules (H$$_{2}$$) formed by its radiolysis. Since this high viscosity is caused by the hydrophilicity (water absorption) of surface of suspended solid (SS) particle in the slurry, it is expected that H$$_{2}$$ retention would be repressed by coating (modifying) this surface with much lower hydrophilic materials (molecules). In order to discuss the degree of repression quantitatively, it is important to estimate the hydrophilicity of SS particle surface. In this report as the first in a series of presentations, the water vapor adsorption behavior on the SS particle surface was measured under two conditions of drying and moisture adsorption by using a gas adsorption measurement apparatus, and the hydrophilicity of SS particle surface was estimated for the current and hydrophilicity-lowered slurries to be compared with each other.



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