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Report No.

Evaluation of insertion property of control rod of JRR-3 at earthquake by time history response analysis method

Kawamura, Sho; Kikuchi, Masanobu; Hosoya, Toshiaki

In response to new regulatory standard for research and test reactor which is enforced December 2013, JRR-3 got license in November 2018 by formulate new design basis ground motion. After that we evaluated for insertion property of control rod using that new design basis ground motion, and that evaluation results were accepted as approval of the design and construction method by Nuclear Regulation Authority. Now, we re-evaluated to insertion property of control rod about neutron absorber and follower fuel element by time history response analysis method. In this report, it shows that new results have sufficiency of margin compared with the past results that are accepted as approval of the design and construction method.



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