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Report No.

Outcomes of WPEC SG47 on "Use of Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database for Nuclear Data Validation"

Kodeli, I. A.*; Fleming, M.*; Cabellos, O.*; Leal, L.*; Celik, Y.*; Ding, Y.*; Jansky, B.*; Neudecker, D.*; Novak, E.*; Simakov, S.*; Iwamoto, Yosuke   ; Valentine, A.*

Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation Subgroup 47 (WPEC SG47) entitled "Use of Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database for Nuclear Data Validation" was started in June 2019 with the objectives to promote more systematic and wider use of shielding benchmark experiments in nuclear data and transport code validation and development, to provide feedback on the Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database (SINBAD). Complementing the database with new features was discussed, for example providing the nuclear data sensitivity profiles more systematically would facilitate and better guide the use of data, and the information on the geometry, (radiation source) and materials is expected to allow an easier and less error prone computational model preparation for different transport codes. Examples of the use and some views on future development of the SINBAD benchmark database will be presented in the paper.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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