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Experimental and analytical investigations on aerosol washout in a large vessel with high spray coverage ratio simulating PWR containment spray

Sun, Haomin   ; Leblois, Y.*; Gelain, T.*; Porcheron, E.*

In severe accident scenarios of PWR, containment spray can be employed to washout the aerosol of radioactive materials, retaining them in the containment. Therefore, it is crucial to correctly predict the washout efficiency for safety assessment. For a PWR, a high spray coverage ratio ($$>$$ 84%-95%) is required. However, experimental studies on the washout with such a high coverage ratio in a large vessel are quite limited. To understand such a washout phenomenon for model development, aerosol washout experiments are performed in a large vessel with not only aerosol measurements but also spray droplet characterizations. The spray coverage ratios are experimentally confirmed to be compatible with a real PWR. The washout features are investigated in detail. The model in MELCOR is examined using the measured aerosol removal rate, showing the removal rate tendency against particle diameters being reproduced. Although a significant underestimation occurs for large particles, a satisfactory agreement is obtained for smaller ones ($$<$$0.52 $$mu$$m in diameter) corresponding to the minimum removal rate and around.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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