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Report No.

Mutual separation of light and heavy Ln by multi-stage solvent extraction using DGA-DOODA system

Nomizu, Daiki; Sasaki, Yuji  ; Kaneko, Masashi   ; Matsumiya, Masahiko*; Katsuta, Shoichi*

In our group, the mutual separation of lanthanides by solvent extraction method is conducted. We focus on two phases in solvent extraction, the hydrophilic and lipophilic reagents are employed in both phases. Namely, using the condition of TODGA in organic phase and DOODA(C2, dioxaoctane-diamide) in aqueous phase or DOODA(C8) in organic phase and TEDGA in aqueous phase, the distribution ratios of Ln are compared. Using these results, the batch-wise multi stage extractions are performed in order to separate light and heavy Ln.



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