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Report No.

Revisit the isospin violating decays of $$X$$(3872)

Meng, L.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wang, B.*; Zhu, S.-L.*

The isospin violating decays of $$X(3872)$$ are revisited in a coupled-channel effective field theory. In a cutoff-independent formalism, we relate the coupling constants of $$X(3872)$$ with the two channels to the molecular wave function. The isospin violating decays of $$X(3872)$$ are obtained by two equivalent approaches, which amend some deficiencies about this issue in literature. In the quantum field theory approach, the isospin violating decays arise from the coupling constants of $$X(3872)$$ to two di-meson channels. In the quantum mechanics approach, the isospin violating is attributed to wave functions at the origin. We bridge the isospin violating decays of $$X(3872)$$ to its inner structure. Our results show that the proportion of the neutral channel in $$X(3872)$$ is over 80%. As a by-product, we find that the strong decay width and radiative decay width are about 30 keV and 10 keV, respectively, for the binding energy from -300 keV to -50 keV.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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