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Report No.

Progress report of the expert panel on management of NORM-containing wastes investigated through the perspective of humanities and social sciences

Yasuda, Hiroshi*; Saito, Tatsuo  ; Fumoto, Hiromichi*; Kasai, Atsushi*; Shimo, Michikuni*; Sugawara, Shinetsu*; Tsuchida, Shoji*; Furuta, Sadaaki*

Contaminated with naturally occurring radionuclides uranium and its progeny nuclides, "uranium bearing wastes" have very long half-life to decay its radioactivity, which can be hundreds of thousands of years, and have risk to impose a considerable burden on future generations. Based on this, the authors considered that it is important to consider not only from the viewpoint of science and engineering as has been done so far, but also from the viewpoint of humanities and social sciences such as philosophy and history. Therefore, in 2020, the Health Physics Society of Japan established the "the Expert Panel on Management of NORM-Containing Wastes Investigated through the Perspective of Humanities and Social Sciences, and related fields". In this session, we will report on the history and future outlook of our activities so far.



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