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Report No.

Prediction of Double-heavy Tetraquarks Bound States in Quark Model

Meng, Q.*; Hiyama, Emiko; Hosaka, Atsushi; Oka, Makoto   ; Gubler, P. ; Can, K. U.*; Takahashi, Toru*; Zong, H. S.*

Bound states of double-heavy tetraquarks are studied in a constituent quark model. Two bound states are found for isospin and spin-parity $$I(J^P) = 0(1^+)$$ in the $$bbbar{u}bar{d}$$ channel. One is deeply bound and compact made of colored diquarks, while the other is shallow and extended as a $$BB^{ast}$$ molecule. The former agrees well with lattice QCD results. A systematic decrease in the binding energy is seen by replacing one of the heavy quarks to a lighter one. Altogether we find ten bound states. It is shown for the first time that hadrons with totally different natures emerge from a single Hamiltonian.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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