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Report No.

Exploration of burning plasma confinement physics using the supercomputer Fugaku

Watanabe, Tomohiko*; Idomura, Yasuhiro   ; Todo, Yasushi*; Honda, Mitsuru*

During the initial start-up phase of the supercomputer Fugaku, we have launched a simulation project to explore physics of burning plasma confinement, that is, turbulent transport of particles, momentum, energy, impurity ions and hydrogen isotopes, and confinement of energetic particles, in collaboration with data science approaches. In prior to the project, we have upgraded and optimized three major fusion plasma simulation codes, GKV, GT5D and MEGA, which solve the kinetic plasma dynamics on multi-dimensional phase space, achieving the high computational performance on Fugaku. The flux tube gyrokinetic code, GKV, is applied to simulations of the multi-scale turbulence in multiple ion species plasma and the turbulent transport of heavy impurity ions. The global full-f gyrokinetic code, GT5D, is employed to explore non-local turbulent transport and intrinsic plasma rotation. The kinetic-MHD hybrid code, MEGA, is used for studying confinement of energetic ions, and has also been extended to introduce kinetic dynamics of bulk ions. In the project, data science approaches are also promoted to improve transport modeling and efficiency of the simulation research.



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