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Report No.

Round robin texture measurement of standard limestone sample

Xu, P. G.   ; Morooka, Satoshi  ; Gong, W.   ; Suzuki, Tetsuya*; Harjo, S.   ; Shobu, Takahisa  

While the neutron powder diffractometers surrounded with wide-angle position-sensitive detectors are thought suitable for a rapid texture measurement, the neutron engineering materials diffractometers attached with large-scale sample stages and precise radial collimators are expected to realize a reliable combined evaluation including crystallographic textures and residual stress tensors. Here, the bulk texture characteristics of the international standard limestone sample were measured by using the TAKUMI time-of-flight engineering materials diffractometer with 2$$theta$$ = $$pm$$90$$^{circ}$$ neutron detector panels and the RESA angle dispersive neutron diffractometer with a $$Delta$$2$$theta$$=7$$^{circ}$$ one-dimensional position-sensitive detector, respectively. Thanks to the high stereographic resolution TAKUMI, a tiny impurity second phase has been firstly identified and a near random-oriented texture has been confirmed in this second phase, and a typically shear deformation texture in the matrix phase (CaCO$$_{3}$$ with a low rhombohedral crystal symmetry, space group R$$bar{3}$$2/c). On the other side, even in a little shorter beam time on RESA at JRR-3 than on the typical powder diffractometer D1B at ILL, well consistent recalculated pole figures of calcite matrix have also been obtained through simultaneously analyzing all the diffraction patterns obtained from RESA. These results suggest that a complementary neutron diffraction technical platform is now available to meet rapid increasing neutron application needs for various polycrystalline materials evaluation.



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