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Report No.

Contrasting magnetic structures in SrLaCuSbO$$_{6}$$ and SrLaCuNbO$$_{6}$$; Spin-$$frac{1}{2}$$ quasi-square-lattice $$J_{1}$$-$$J_{2}$$ Heisenberg antiferromagnets

Watanabe, Masari*; Kurita, Nubuyuki*; Tanaka, Hidekazu*; Ueno, Wataru*; Matsui, Kazuki*; Goto, Takayuki*; Hagihara, Masato   

We report the magnetic properties of the double perovskites SrLaCuSbO$$_{6}$$ (SLCSO) and SrLaCuNbO$$_{6}$$ (SLCNO). The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities of both com-pounds shows a broad maximum characteristic of an $$S$$ = 1/2 square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Magnetic ordering occurs at $$T$$$$_{rm N}$$ = 13.6 and 15.7 K for SLCSO and SLCNO, respectively. Neutron powder diffraction measurements reveal contrasting spin structures in both compounds. The spin structures of SLCSO and SLCNO below $$T$$$$_{rm N}$$ are N$'e$el antiferromagnetic and collinear antiferromagnetic, respectively. This result demonstrates that the nearest-neighbor interaction is dominant in SLCSO, whereas the next-nearest-neighbor interaction is dominant in SLCNO. The magnitude of the ordered moment was evaluated at 3.5 K to be $$m$$ = 0.39(3) $$mu$$$$_{rm B}$$ for SLCSO and 0.29(2) $$mu$$$$_{rm B}$$ for SLCNO, which are significantly smaller than those calculated using linear spin wave theory. We infer that the small ordered moment is caused by the effect of exchange bond randomness arising from the site disorder of Sr and La ions.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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