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Report No.

X-ray PDF analysis of BiFeO$$_3$$-Bi(Mg,Ti)O$$_3$$ mixture

Yoneda, Yasuhiro   ; Wada, Satoshi*

BiFeO$$_3$$ is a useful ferroelectric material, but it is not easy to reverse the polarization because the rhombohedral structure of the ferroelectric phase is greatly distorted, and attempts have been made to improve the dielectric properties by various additives. BaTiO$$_3$$ and Bi(Mg$$_{0.5}$$Ti$$_{0.5}$$)O$$_3$$ were selected as additives, and structural analysis was performed using synchrotron radiation. BiFeO$$_3$$ has a rhombohedral structure and BaTiO$$_3$$ has a tetragonal structure. Bi(Mg$$_{0.5}$$Ti$$_{0.5}$$)O$$_3$$ has an antiferroelectric orthorhombic structure and is expected to behave as a buffer that binds BiFeO$$_3$$ and BaTiO$$_3$$. The process of averaging the structure from micro to macro was clarified, and various changes were observed depending on the temperature. The flexibility of such a structure reduces the large distortion of BiFeO$$_{3}$$ and enables polarization.



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