Standard guideline for the seismic response analysis method using 3D finite element model of reactor buildings (Contract research)
Choi, B. ; Nishida, Akemi ; Kawata, Manabu; Shiomi, Tadahiko; Li, Y.
Standard methods such as lumped mass models have been used in the assessment of seismic safety and the design of building structures in nuclear facilities. Recent advances in computer capabilities allow the use of three-dimensional finite element (3D FE) models to account for the 3D behavior of buildings, material nonlinearity, and the nonlinear soil-structure interaction effect. Since the 3D FE model enables more complex and high-level treatment than ever before, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the analytical results generated by the 3D FE model. Guidelines for assuring the dependability of modeling techniques and the treatment of nonlinear aspects of material properties have already been created and technical certifications have been awarded in domains other than nuclear engineering. The International Atomic Energy Agency performed an international benchmark study in nuclear engineering. Multiple organizations reported on the results of seismic response studies using the 3D FE model based on recordings from the Niigata-ken Chuetsuoki Earthquake in 2007. The variation in their analytical results was significant, indicating an urgent need to improve the reliability of the analytical results by standardization of the analytical methods using 3D FE models. Additionally, it has been pointed out that it is necessary to understand the 3D behavior in the seismic fragility assessment of buildings and equipment, which requires evaluating the realistic nonlinear behavior of building facilities when assessing their seismic fragility. In view of these considerations, a standard guideline for the seismic response analysis method using a 3D FE model was produced by incorporating the latest knowledge and findings in this area. The purpose of the guideline is to improve the reliability of the seismic response analysis method using 3D FE model of reactor buildings. The guideline consists of a main body, commentaries, and appendixes; it also provides standard procedures