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Report No.

HAIROWorldPlugin operation manual (Revised edition)

Suzuki, Kenta ; Yashiro, Hiroshi; Kawabata, Kuniaki   

This report is updated HAIROWorldPlugin Operation Manual (JAEA-Testing 2020-009). Our motivation is to develop a robot simulator based on Choreonoid for technological development to contribute the decommissioning work at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. Choreonoid is an open source simulator which calculates the behavior of robots. We are developing HAIROWorldPlugin which is an extended function of Choreonoid for providing a virtual decommissioning experience. In the latest HAIROWorldPlugin, the several functions were additionally implemented. In particular, we implemented new functionalities: logging a collision status between a robot and an object, showing and logging a status of the joystick input signals, generating an environmental object model (pipe, grating, and slope), bookmarking an often used simulation settings, and recording histories of a simulation settings. In addition, this report describes the installation of the plugin to Choreonoid on Ubuntu20.04-LTS and parameter settings of the plugin by presenting snapshots of operation windows.



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