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Report No.

Commissioning of X-ray micro beam by Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) mirror

Tanida, Hajime  ; Tsuji, Takuya  ; Kobata, Masaaki  

In the decommissioning of the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, analysis of fuel debris to understand its characteristics is very important. The fuel debris removed for testing and analyzing will be fine particulates. Non-destructive analytical methods using X-rays are effective for such samples, but in order to apply them to fine particles, the X-rays must be focused to the micrometer order. For this purpose, the Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) mirror was introduced. In this paper, we record the selection, specification, adjustment of the mirror, and write down the example of mapping of elements and evaluation of their valence by this mirror.



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