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Supercritical hydrothermal synthesis of UO$$_{2+x}$$; Stoichiometry, crystal shape and size, and homogeneity observed using $$^{23}$$Na-NMR spectroscopy of (U, Na)O$$_{2+x}$$

Tabata, Chihiro*; Shirasaki, Kenji*; Sunaga, Ayaki*; Sakai, Hironori   ; Li, D.*; Konaka, Mariko*; Yamamura, Tomoo*

The hydrothermal synthesis of pure uranium dioxide under supercritical water (SCW) conditions was investigated. The nonstoichiometry, crystallite size and morphology of the UO$$_{2+x}$$ particles were investigated. The SCW hydrothermal synthesis may be a promising method for producing homogeneous UO$$_{2+x}$$ and its solid solutions with well-defined nonstoichiometries ($$x$$), shapes, and sizes.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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