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Report No.

Nuclear data evaluation of JENDL-5, 6; Sublibraries of deuteron and alpha-particle reactions

Nakayama, Shinsuke  

JENDL-5 includes several sublibraries to contribute to various applications. The deuteron reaction sublibrary developed mainly for the design of accelerator neutron sources and the alpha-particle reaction one developed mainly for use in the nuclear backend field will be outlined. As for the deuteron reaction sublibrary, the data for Li-6,7, Be-9, and C-12,13 of JENDL/DEU-2020 were partially modified and adopted. The data for Al-27, Cu-63,65, and Nb-93 important as accelerator structural materials were newly evaluated based on the calculated values with the DEURACS code. As for the alpha-particle reaction sublibrary, the evaluated values based on the CCONE calculations were replaced only with respect to the neutron production cross-sections by the data of JENDL/AN-2005 and were adopted. As a result, the accuracy of the energy and angular distribution of the outgoing neutrons was improved while maintaining the accuracy of the neutron production cross-sections. In addition, the completeness of data other than neutron production such as gamma-ray production was improved.



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