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Report No.

Unravelling rock cooling histories of the Japanese Alps using trapped-charge thermochronometry

Bartz, M.*; King, G.*; Anderson, L.*; Herman, F.*; Sueoka, Shigeru   ; Tsukamoto, Sumiko*; Tagami, Takahiro*

The interaction between rates of Earth surface processes, tectonics and climate is particularly pronounced in high mountain regions. However, understanding the interplay between these variables is complicated, in part due to the difficulties of measuring changes in the rates of Earth surface processes at the timescale of glacial-interglacial cycles. Here we investigate the potential of ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) of feldspar and quartz minerals respectively for understanding changes in exhumation rates in the Hida range of the Japanese Alps. The Japanese Alps bisect the main island of Honshu, uplifted throughout the Quaternary and reach elevations of up to 3,000 m. The youth of these mountains has made measurement of their exhumation histories challenging and we particularly focus on Tateyama, which was glaciated throughout the late Quaternary period. We collected eight samples and analysed them using both luminescence and ESR thermochronometry. Our results show that whereas the luminescence signals of all samples are either in, or close to their upper dating limit (saturation), the ESR signals have the potential to yield finite exhumation rates for this region. We measured the ESR dose response and thermal decay properties of all samples, specifically targeting the Al and Ti centres. Whilst the Ti signals of some samples are saturated, the Al signals of all samples can be inverted to determine rates of rock cooling. Initial inversions reveal rock cooling rates on the order of 80 deg. C/Ma, far beyond the resolution of the luminescence thermochronometry technique. The next step of our investigation is to invert these data to determine rates of rock exhumation, and to relate these values to the climatic (glacial) and tectonic history of the Tateyama region.



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