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 年 ~ 


Stepwise renewal of JRR-3 process control computer system

井坂 浩二; 諏訪 昌幸 ; 木村 和也; 鈴木 真琴; 池亀 吉則; 永冨 英記

Isaka, Koji; Suwa, Masayuki; Kimura, Kazuya; Suzuki, Makoto; Ikekame, Yoshinori; Nagadomi, Hideki


JRR-3 Process control system is used from the initial criticality (1990) after remodeling JRR- 3 as equipment used for monitoring and control of flow rate, temperature, pressure, water level, etc. of coolant and operation of nuclear reactor equipment, and it became necessary to renew as the aging progressed and spare parts could not be obtained sufficiently. Upon renewal, from the viewpoint of ensuring conservation of the core such as decay heat removal and minimizing the impact on reactor users and minimizing costs, it is important not to stop long-term reactor shutdown we planned to divide it into three stages and make it on a continuous basis. This report summarizes the renewal plan and renewal work divided into three stages.



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