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Report No.

Suppression of vacancy formation and hydrogen isotope retention in irradiated tungsten by addition of chromium

Wang, J.*; Hatano, Yuji*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Suzudo, Tomoaki   ; Hinoki, Tatsuya*; Alimov, V. Kh.*; Schwarz-Selinger, T.*

To study the effect of the content of chromium (Cr) in the tungsten (W) matrix on the vacancy formation and retention of hydrogen isotopes, the samples of the W-0.3Cr alloy were irradiated with 6.4 MeV Fe ions in the temperature range of 523-1273 K. These displacement-damaged samples were exposed to D$$_{2}$$ gas at a temperature of 673 K. The addition of 0.3% Cr into the W matrix resulted in a significant decrease in the retention of deuterium compared to pure W after irradiation especially at high temperature. Positron lifetime for W-0.3Cr alloy irradiated at 1073 K was almost similar to that for non-irradiated one. These facts indicate the suppression of the formation of vacancy-type defects by 0.3% Cr addition.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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