In-vessel source term analysis code TRACER Version 2.4.1 (User's manual)
Ono, Masahiro*; Uchibori, Akihiro ; Okano, Yasushi; Takata, Takashi*
A computer code TRACER (Transport phenomena of Radionuclides for Accident Consequence Evaluation of Reactor) version 2.4.1 has been developed to evaluate species and quantities of fission products (FPs) released into cover gas due to a fuel pin failure in an LMFBR. The TRACER version 2.4.1 includes the models related to NUREG-0772 and also new or modified computational program codes in order to possess a new function shown below, and partial modify of coefficient of FP transition model between coolant and cover gas. This manual includes manual conventions for TRACER Version 2.3, addition of reference such as formula, improvement of explanation of input file creation method, addition of improvement of NUREG-0772 model added to TRACER code, modification of figure of sample analysis performed in appendix. It includes modifications and additions of sample analysis.