ETSON-SAMHYCO-NET benchmark on simulations of upward flame propagation experiment in representative hydrogen-air-steam mixtures of severe accidents containments atmosphere
Bentaib, A.*; Chaumeix, N.*; Nyrenstedt, G.*; Bleyer, A.*; Maas, L.*; Gastaldo, L.*; Kljenak, I.*; Dovizio, D.*; Kudriakov, S.*; Schramm, B.*; Motegi, Kosuke ; Velasco, F. J. S.*; Otn-Martnez, R. A.*; Danilin, A.*; Gavrikov, A.*; Jaseliunaite, J.*; Povilaitis, M.*
In case of a core melt-down accident in a light water nuclear reactor, hydrogen is produced during reactor core degradation and released into the reactor building. In case of failure of in-vessel corium retention, a large amount of carbon monoxide (CO) in addition to H and other gases may be produced during molten core concrete interaction (MCCI). This subsequently creates a combustion hazard. A local ignition of the combustible mixture may generate standing flames or initially slow propagating flames. Depending on geometry, mixture composition and turbulence level, the flame can accelerate or be quenched after a certain distance. The pressure and temperature loads generated by the combustion process may threaten the integrity of the containment building and safety equipment. The evaluation of such loads requires validated codes which can be used with a high level of confidence. Currently, turbulence and steam effect on flame propagation mechanisms are not well reproduced by combustion models usually implemented in safety tools and further model enhancement and validation are still needed. For this purpose and at the initiative of the SAMHYCO-NET project consortium and of the European Technical Safety Organization Network (ETSON), a benchmark on hydrogen combustion was organized with the goal to identify the current level of the computational tools in the area of hydrogen combustion simulation under conditions typical for safety considerations in a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). This benchmark is composed of four main steps with increasing difficulty starting from flame propagation in homogenous dry atmosphere and finishing with more representative conditions with (H/HO/O/N) stratified mixtures. In this paper, only experiments related to flame propagation in homogenous atmosphere are considered.