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Report No.

Improvement of radioactivity estimation method using PHITS and DCHAIN for mass production of high-quality medical RI in accelerators

Hashimoto, Shintaro  ; Nagai, Yasuki*

In the study of radioisotope (RI) production using accelerator neutrons, a combination method of the particle transport code PHITS and the induced radioactivity code DCHAIN is powerful tools for calculating the RI production and its time course due to beam irradiation. We improved the method of RI production by neutrons above 20 MeV, which was not sufficiently reliable in the combined calculations. The RI production by neutrons above 20 MeV is usually calculated by a nuclear reaction model, which does not reproduce experimental data well. Therefore, we improved the method by preparing evaluated nuclear data of neutrons above 20 MeV and using it automatically in the combined calculation.



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