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Acceleration of full-f gyrokinetic Eulerian code GT5D on Fugaku and Summit


井戸村 泰宏   

Idomura, Yasuhiro


The Gyrokinetic Toroidal 5D full-f Eulerian code GT5D is accelerated on the world largest CPU based and GPU based supercomputers, Fugaku and Summit. GT5D is based on a semi-implicit finite difference scheme, in which the implicit finite difference solver for fast kinetic electrons occupies more than 80% of the total computing cost. The implicit solver was originally developed using a Krylov subspace method, in which global collective communications and halo data communications were becoming bottlenecks with accelerated computing. To resolve this issue, the convergence property is improved by using a new FP16 preconditioner, and an order of magnitude reduction of the number of iterations and thus, communications was achieved. The new solver showed significant speedups both on Fugaku and Summit, and enabled numerical experiments with real mass kinetic electrons.



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