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Report No.

An Experiment of complete dissolution of zircon crystals by high-temperature and pressure acid digestion for the (U-Th)/He method

Fukuda, Shoma   ; Kagami, Saya   

In this study, we firstly attempted the wet-chemical analyses at Tono Geoscience Center based on a high-temperature and pressure acid digestion for determination of U-Th contents in zircon crystals. In the beginning, zircon crystals were annealed at 900 degrees Celsius for 48 hours to recover radiation damages, and annealed zircons were transferred and sunk into 29 M HF, and finally zircons were digested at 220 degrees Celsius for 70 hours. To verify that zircons were digested completely, Zr contents in zircons were measured as major elements by using ICP-MS (Agilent 7700x) based on the calibration curve method. As a result, theoretical values for Zr contents were obtained, these experimental conditions are thus valid for zircon digestion. Now, we are considering to perform these analyses in the clean booth and to select more appropriate analyses instruments and conditions for decreasing a blank level, which contributes to improve the determination of U-Th contents for zircon (U-Th)/He dating.



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