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Report No.

Identification of the reactor building damage mode for seismic fragility assessment using a three-dimensional finite element model

Choi, B.  ; Nishida, Akemi  ; Shiomi, Tadahiko; Kawata, Manabu; Li, Y. 

In order to improve the seismic probabilistic risk assessment method, the authors are developing methods related to realistic response, realistic resistance and fragility assessment for buildings and equipment that are important for seismic safety. In this study, in order to identify of building damage mode subjected to large seismic motions, pushover analyses using multiple analysis codes were performed using a 3D FE model of a reactor building. We obtained the analysis results for the identification of local damage mode that contributes to the fragility assessment. In this paper, we report the progress of local damage mode and ultimate strength of the building by the pushover analysis. We also compared this result with the seismic response analysis results.



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