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Report No.

Atmospheric dispersion simulations for the assessment of radiological dose to the public; Reassessment of the atmospheric concentration distribution of radioactive materials in the immediate aftermath of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Nagai, Haruyasu  

Radioactive materials were released into the environment due to the accident that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which is operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Company. This release immediately led to the performance of an internal exposure dose assessment of iodine and other nuclides with a short half-life. To determine the necessary dose estimation, the spatial-temporal distribution of the atmospheric concentration of radioactive materials was reassessed by performing dispersion simulations with $$^{131}$$I, $$^{133}$$I, $$^{132}$$Te, and $$^{137}$$Cs with due consideration given to their contribution to the internal exposure doses. A database of the spatial-temporal distribution of the concentration was developed based on the results obtained from the calculations performed for each defined time at a horizontal interval of 3 km near the ground surface.



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