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Report No.

Penetration behavior of Cs and I into epoxy resin

Fujino, Daiki*; Matsuura, Haruaki*; Sato, Isamu*; Suzuki, Eriko   

To clarify the penetration behavior of Cs and I into epoxy resin which is used as painting of concrete, the penetration tests of CsI solution into epoxy resin at room temperature and under air pressure, or at high temperature and under high pressure. The penetration amounts and local structures of Cs and I were investigated by using XRF and EXAFS. Regarding the penetration amounts of Cs, Cs penetrated only near the surface and there is no difference between the two experimental conditions. However, I penetrated more deeper than Cs and the penetration amounts at high temperature and under high pressure was larger than that at room temperature and air pressure. The EXAFS results, the coordination number of Cs and I was decreased but that of Cs and O was increased, also supported the results of penetration amounts.



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