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Report No.

Polymer photonic crystals prepared by triblock copolymerization-induced ${it in situ}$ microphase separation

Isozaki, Yuka*; Higashiharaguchi, Seiya*; Kaneko, Naoya*; Yamazaki, Shun*; Taniguchi, Tatsuo*; Karatsu, Takashi*; Ueda, Yuki   ; Motokawa, Ryuhei   

Polymer photonic crystals (PPCs) that selectively reflect visible light were prepared by triblock polymerization-induced ${it in situ}$ microphase separation via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization. The addition of homopolymer to the polymerization system swelled a specific phase of the microdomains, enabling the preparation of PPCs with long-wavelength structural colors. Small-angle neutron scattering confirmed the increase in the domain spacing of the lamellar microdomains with the addition of homopolymer, while maintaining their morphology.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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