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Report No.

Insights into boron removal from water using Mg-Al-LDH; Reaction parameters optimization & 3D-RSM modeling

Eljamal, O.*; Maamoun, I.; Alkhudhayri, S.*; Eljamal, R.*; Falyouna, O.*; Tanaka, Kazuya  ; Kozai, Naofumi   ; Sugihara, Yuji*

In this study, calcined Mg-Al layered double hydroxide was successfully synthesized for boron removal from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were conducted considering various reaction conditions, including initial pH, reaction temperature, initial boron concentration, Mg-Al-CLDH dosage, ambient condition, and co-existing ions effect, for optimizing boron removal efficiency. Results showed that sorption kinetic rate became higher by approaching towards the neutral pH conditions, while it declined at the strong acidic or alkaline conditions. Mg-Al-CLDH was capable of removing high boron concentration from aqueous solutions at a reasonable dosage, with a comparable sorption capacity to the other reported studies. Moreover, high boron removal rates were observed at high reaction temperatures, reflecting the endothermic nature of the reaction, and reached equilibrium within less than 6 h. Moreover, results of 3D-RSM modeling confirmed that the middle-high range of Mg-Al-CLDH dosage values was the suitable range to achieve high boron removal efficiency, in spite of pH, temperature, and initial concentration effects. Furthermore, isotherm modeling confirmed that boron removal by Mg-Al-CLDH occurred via a mono-layer sorption, and thermodynamic modeling revealed the positive value of entropy change, indicating that the randomness of the solid/liquid interaction increased within the adsorption process of boron. Spent Mg-Al-CLDH showed great reusability performance by considerable boron removal efficiency over three consecutive regeneration cycles, confirming the high potential and applicability of the presented adsorbent in real water treatment applications.



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Category:Engineering, Environmental



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