Design study on cover soil in the trench disposal facility for very low-level radioactive waste generated from research facilities and other facilities
Ogawa, Rina; Nakata, Hisakazu
; Sugaya, Toshikatsu; Sakai, Akihiro 
Japan Atomic Energy Agency has considered trench disposal as one of the disposal methods for radioactive wastes generated from research facilities and other facilities. The trench disposal facility is regulated by "Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors". In particular, the design of the trench facility is regulated by a rule under the law. When the rule was amended in 2019, the design of the trench disposal facility required equipment to reduce ingress of rain water and groundwater. In the report, studies on the design of a trench disposal facility to adapt to the amended rule were performed. The trench disposal facility has considered being established in a place lower than groundwater level. Therefore, it was decided to study covering soil at the upper part of the trench facility, because the ingress water in the facility is mainly derived from rain water. In this study, it was decided to evaluate the design of covering soil of the radioactive waste categorized into chemically stable materials. Therefore, as the examination method, a parameter study on varying the permeability coefficient and thickness of the layers composing cover soil. In the parameter study, the velocity of the water infiltrating into the trench facility was evaluated. Based on the results, more efficient design of the layers composing the covering soil was considered. The result showed that the impermeable efficiency of the covering soil was different depending on the thickness and the permeability conductivity of each layer. As a result, it was possible to understand the impermeable performance of covering soil by the permeability coefficient and thickness of each layer. We will plan to decide the specification of the cover soil while examination of future tasks and cost in the basic design.