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Report No.

Performance evaluation of commercial scintillation cocktails for low-level tritium counting by high-capacity liquid scintillation counter

Kuwata, Haruka*; Tazoe, Hirofumi*; Kranrod, C.*; Fujiwara, Kenso ; Terashima, Motoki  ; Matsueda, Makoto   ; Hirao, Shigekazu*; Akata, Naofumi*

Low-background liquid scintillation counter is one of the popular measuring instruments used to investigate tritium radioactivity in environmental media. These instruments require the liquid sample and organic solvent to be mixed for tritium measurement. In the European Union, the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals regulation was established to control the use of chemical substances of very high concern. It is important to find continuously available alternative reagents. In this paper, a performance evaluation was conducted using four scintillation cocktails according to Japanese conventional procedure; although one of them, Gold Star LT$$^{2}$$, contains nonylphenol ethoxylate, it will continue to be available for research and development. From the evaluation results it was confirmed that Gold Star LT$$^{2}$$ would be a satisfactory alternative scintillator, which is similar performance of Ultima Gold LLT.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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