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Evidence for the decay $$Omega_{c}^{0} to pi^+Omega(2012)^- to pi^+ (bar{K}Xi)^{-}$$

$$Omega_{c}^{0} to pi^+Omega(2012)^- to pi^+ (bar{K}Xi)^{-}$$崩壊の証拠

Li, Y.*; 谷田 聖   ; Belle Collaboration*; 他190名*

Li, Y.*; Tanida, Kiyoshi; Belle Collaboration*; 190 of others*

Using a data sample of 980~fb$$^{-1}$$ collected with the Belle detector operating at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $$e^+e^-$$ collider, we present evidence for the $$Omega(2012)^-$$ in the resonant substructure of $$Omega_{c}^{0} to pi^+ (bar{K}Xi)^{-}$$ ($$(bar{K}Xi)^{-}$$ = $$K^-Xi^0$$ + $$bar{K}^0 Xi^-$$) decays. The significance of the $$Omega(2012)^-$$ signal is 4.2$$sigma$$ after considering the systematic uncertainties. The ratio of the branching fraction of $$Omega_{c}^{0} to pi^{+} Omega(2012)^- to pi^+ (bar{K}Xi)^{-}$$ relative to that of $$Omega_{c}^{0} to pi^{+} Omega^-$$ is calculated to be 0.220 $$pm$$ 0.059(stat.) $$pm$$ 0.035(syst.). The individual ratios of the branching fractions of the two isospin modes are also determined, and found to be $${cal B}(Omega_{c}^0 to pi^+ Omega(2012)^-) times {cal B}(Omega(2012)^- to K^-Xi^0)/{cal B}(Omega_{c}^0 to pi^+ K^- Xi^0)$$ =(9.6 $$pm$$ 3.2(stat.) $$pm$$ 1.8(syst.))% and $${cal B}(Omega_{c}^0 to pi^+ Omega(2012)^-) times {cal B}(Omega(2012)^- to bar{K}^0 Xi^-)/{cal B}(Omega_{c}^0 to pi^+ bar{K}^0 Xi^-)$$ = (5.5 $$pm$$ 2.8(stat.) $$pm$$ 0.7(syst.))%.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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