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UTR-KINKI未臨界炉心の反応度評価; 準静的状態の出力挙動に基づく評価

Reactivity estimation of UTR-KINKI subcritical cores; Estimation based on power profile in quasi-steady state

山根 祐一  ; 荒木 祥平   ; 左近 敦士*

Yamane, Yuichi; Araki, Shohei; Sakon, Atsushi*

反応度評価手法の比較のため、UTR-KINKIを用いて互いに異なる未臨界炉心を複数構成し、既存の手法及び新たに開発した手法を適用して反応度を評価した。数ドル程度の未臨界炉心に対して、準静的状態の出力挙動に基づいて評価した反応度はFeynman-$$alpha$$法やsource jerk法と同程度の評価結果を示した。

A new reactivity estimation method was applied to the data obtained from some subcritical cores of UTR-KINKI for comparison to other existing methods. The estimated reactivity value for about several dollars subcritical cores by using the method based on the power profile in quasi-steady state showed almost the same result as other methods such as Feynman-$$alpha$$ and source jerk.



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