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Report No.

Effect of particle size on the colonization of biofilms and the potential of biofilm-covered microplastics as metal carriers

Wu, C.*; Tanaka, Kazuya  ; Tani, Yukinori*; Bi, X.*; Liu, J.*; Yu, Q.*

Microplastics (MPs) with different particle sizes were co-cultured with a model freshwater fungus, ${it Acremonium strictum}$ strain KR21-2, to form biofilms on their surface. We also determined the changes in surface physicochemical properties of the biofilm-covered MPs (BMPs) and the heavy metal adsorption capacity of the original MPs and BMPs. The results revealed that the biofilms improve the adsorption of heavy metals on MPs, and the particle size of MPs plays a crucial role in biofilm colonization and adsorption of heavy metals by BMPs.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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