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Calculation of $$beta$$-decay half-lives within a Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov energy density functional with the proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation and isoscalar pairing strengths optimized by a Bayesian method

Minato, Futoshi   ; Niu, Z.*; Liang, H.*

For radioactive nuclear data, $$beta$$ decay is one of the important information and is applied to various fields. However, some of the $$beta$$-decay data is not available due to experimental difficulties. From this respect, theoretically calculated results have been embedded in the $$beta$$-decay data to compensate the missing information. To calculate the $$beta$$-decay half-lives, a proton-neutron quasi-particle random phase approximation on top of a Skryme energy density functional is applied in this work. The isoscalar pairing strength that is sensitive to half-lives is estimated by a Bayesian neutral network (BNN). We found that the half-lives calculated with the BNN isoscalar pairing strengths could reproduce most of experimental data. We also studied that the predictive performance on new experimental data that are not used for the BNN training and found that they are reproduced well.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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