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Transient thermal-hydraulic analysis for thermal load fluctuation test using HTTR


青木 健  ; 佐藤 博之  

Aoki, Takeshi; Sato, Hiroyuki


High temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) has a potential to produce competitive and large amount of carbon-free hydrogen. It is required to establish the control method and system for the HTGR hydrogen production system to maintain its normal operation against the abnormality in the hydrogen production facility through performance evaluations of the control system by transient thermal-hydraulic analysis. In the present study, the reactor response against the disturbance in the reactor inlet coolant temperature was revealed in the HTGR hydrogen production system. The analytical results showed that the reactor outlet coolant control system enabled to control the variation of the reactor outlet coolant temperature was less than 4$$^{circ}$$C against 30$$^{circ}$$C of large disturbance in the reactor inlet coolant temperature and to maintain its normal operation in the HTGR hydrogen production system. Thus, the effectiveness of the control method was confirmed.



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