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Event tree analysis for material relocation on core catcher in a sodium-cooled fast reactor


山野 秀将   ; 久保 重信 ; 菅 太郎*; 柴田 明裕*; Hourcade, E.*; Dirat, J. F.*

Yamano, Hidemasa; Kubo, Shigenobu; Kan, Taro*; Shibata, Akihiro*; Hourcade, E.*; Dirat, J. F.*


In this paper, the approach to event tree development and the scope of the event tree analysis were described with key points on core catcher loading. For the analytical conditions, two core catcher loading conditions were given as bounding and conservative cases. For important heading of the event tree, key important phenomena were included: strong back design, fuel-coolant interaction and quench in the sodium plenum design, jet attack, criticality and coolability on the core catcher. In this paper, preliminary trial quantification was attempted using a probability ranking table which is based on engineering judgement. This event tree analysis has identified the dominant sequence, and clarified the effect of the core catcher loading and effectiveness of design measures. This study suggests that the criticality measure is very important for the core catcher study.



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