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Fabrication of (Bi$$_2$$)$$_m$$(Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$)$$_n$$ superlattice films by Te desorption from a pristine Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ film

Kusaka, Shotaro*; Sasaki, Taisuke*; Sumida, Kazuki   ; Ichinokura, Satoru*; Ideta, Shinichiro*; Tanaka, Kiyohisa*; Hono, Kazuhiro*; Hirahara, Toru*

We fabricated superlattice films composed of Bi$$_2$$ bilayers (BLs) and Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ quintuple layers (QLs) by annealing pure Bi$$_2$$Te$$_3$$ films. It was found that Te desorbs from the QL to form the BL with an activation energy of 2.7 eV. Eventually two distinct stoichiometric phases were formed, Bi$$_1$$Te$$_1$$ (QL-BL-QL) and Bi$$_4$$Te$$_3$$ (QL-BL), as evidenced by scanning transmission emission microscopy measurements. The surface-state dispersion was measured with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and the topological nature of each sample is discussed. Our method offers a convenient and simple way to fabricate superlattice films with different topological properties.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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