Proposal of detailed procedures of determining rational in-service inspection requirements based on system based code concept
矢田 浩基
; 高屋 茂
; 諸星 恭一*; 横井 忍*
Yada, Hiroki; Takaya, Shigeru; Morohoshi, Kyoichi*; Yokoi, Shinobu*
In order to develop rationalized maintenance plans of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to consider characteristics of each plant. For sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) plants, there are constraints on inspections due to the specialty that sodium equipment needs to be handled, which is one of the important points when considering rationalization of maintenance. Therefore, we previously proposed a maintenance optimization scheme based on the System Based Code (SBC) concept. One of proposed scheme goals is to develop detailed procedures of preparing a rationalized maintenance plan. In this study, the procedures to determine inspections for potential degradation and additional inspections in terms of defense-in-depth have been further clarified. Furthermore, the modified maintenance optimization scheme is also illustrated by a quantitative trial evaluation of the core support structure of the next SFR under development in Japan.