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Report No.

Fabrication of 2-cm thick TlBr detectors

Hitomi, Keitaro*; Maeda, Shigetaka   ; Nogami, Mitsuhiro*; Ito, Chikara   ; Watanabe, Kenichi*

A 2-cm thick pixelated TlBr detector was fabricated in this study. A 50-mm diameter TlBr crystal was grown by the Bridgman-Stockbarger method using zone-purified materials. A pixelated TlBr detector was fabricated from the grown crystal with the dimension of 20 mm $$times$$ 20 mm $$times$$ 20 mm. The planar cathode and pixelated anodes were constructed on the crystal by vacuum evaporation of Tl. The anode consisted of 16-pixel electrodes (3 mm $$times$$ 3 mm) surrounded by a guard ring. A charge-sensitive preamplifier was connected to a pixel electrode on the device. The output signals from the preamplifier were recorded with a digitizer. The acquired signal waveforms were analyzed with a PC event by event for obtaining pulse-height spectra. The cathode surface of the pixelated TlBr detector was irradiated with an Am-241 gamma-ray source at room temperature. The applied bias voltage to the cathode was 2000 V. A clear full-energy peak corresponding to 59.5-keV gamma rays was obtained from the detector. The clear full-energy peak of 59.5-keV gamma-ray was reflecting the good electron transport property of the TlBr crystal.



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