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Report No.

Issues and outlooks on maintenance and ageing management of the Tokai Reprocessing Plant during the early decommissioning phase

Taguchi, Katsuya; Nakabayashi, Hiroki ; Nakano, Takafumi 

The Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) was taken out of service of spent fuel reprocessing operation and the first decommissioning plan was authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) at June 2018. Due to the complexity, numerousness of facilities and various condition of contamination, it would be expected the decommissioning plan requires over 70 years. In the view of maintenance following three major issues were arisen at this time, temporary increase of maintenance and testing works with additional equipment for safety enhancement to the storage of HAW, the ageing management for over 70 years decommissioning period and optimizing the replacement strategy for existing equipment considering of the risk level reduction with progress of the decommissioning plan. The presentation shows our perspective and conceptual procedures to take up these issues.



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