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Report No.

Recent usage status of charge-exchange stripper foil for 3GeV synchrotron of J-PARC

Nakanoya, Takamitsu  ; Yoshimoto, Masahiro  ; Saha, P. K.   ; Takeda, Osamu*; Saeki, Riuji*; Muto, Masayoshi*

In the J-PARC 3-GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), a 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ beam injected from the linac is exchange to an H$$^{+}$$ beam by a charge exchange foil and accelerated to 3 GeV. The charge exchange foils mainly used in the RCS are HBC foil (Hybrid Boron mixed Carbon stripper foil), which are made by adding a small amount of boron to carbon rods and using them as electrodes by the arc deposition method. Since 2018, foils produced by JAEA have been used for user operation. So far, no major problems have occurred due to the foils. Meanwhile, the beam power of the RCS has been gradually increased from 500 kW to 830 kW since 2018. As beam power increases, the foil issues were identified to achieve the RCS design power of 1 MW. In this paper, we will report on the recent foil usage status and issue in the user operation.



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