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Report No.

Deformation texture of bulk cementite investigated by neutron diffraction

Adachi, Nozomu*; Ueno, Haruki*; Morooka, Satoshi  ; Xu, P. G.   ; Todaka, Yoshikazu*

Understanding of deformation mechanism of cementite such as slip plane are quite important to reveal and improve mechanical property of steels. However, deformation behavior of cementite has not been well investigated because of the difficulty of sample preparation having single phase cementite structure. In this study, by fabricating bulk single phase cementite samples using the method developed by the authors, deformation texture formed by uniaxial compression was investigated using both electron back scatter diffraction and the neutron diffraction. The fabricated sample had a random texture before the compression. After applying compressive strain of 0.5 at 833 K, (010) fiber texture was formed along compressive axis. It has been suggested from this trend that the primary slip plane of cementite is (010).



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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